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  • Szájzuhany
  • Szájzuhany
  • Szájzuhany
  • Szájzuhany
  • Szájzuhany

Effectively removes bacteria and food residues from the teeth.

The oral shower reliably removes bacteria from places that cannot be reached with a toothbrush or dental floss.

The spaces between the teeth and the gums (especially the folds around the teeth) require professional care. For perfect oral hygiene, treat them with this practical helper.

The device is recommended for cleaning sensitive areas around dental crowns, bridges and braces.

Weight: 249g
Water tank volume: 220ml
Charging voltage: 5V
Power: 3.5W
3 selectable strengths

Size: 28.3 x 5 cm


Continuous use can prevent: gum atrophy, tartar formation, tooth decay, bad breath

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