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  • Company name / Name: Mao Direkt Import Kft.
    Address: Városmajor utca 19/A, Budapest, 1122, Hungary
    Phone number: 00000000
    Email address:
    Shop name: Mao Wholesale
    Tax number: 25909030-2-43
    Bank account number: 11710002 24147932
    Contact person name: Zsolt Horváth
    Contact person´s phone number: 0000000000000
    Contact person´s e-mail address:
    The minimum order amount is Net 99.91 EUR!
  • » Kiszállítás DPD
    Shipping cost4.97 EUR
    » Személyes átvétel telephelyünkön
    1116 Hunyadi János 162
  • » T/T bank transfer
    After the order we will send bank details.
    » With Credit Card
    After submitting your order, and accepting the calculated shipping cost, you will be able to prepay the amount of the order through Barion with one of the following bank card types.
  • Name
    Email address
    Phone number
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