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  • Függőszék
  • Függőszék

A cushioned nook on the terrace or even in the room that hangs in the air. This is what this hanging chair with cushion offers you!


In fact, much more than that: A quiet afternoon relaxing with your favorite reading material, or a big conversation at sunset - and under the stars - after an exhausting week with your loved one. The seat surface and the back support are also padded, providing maximum comfort, and at the same time, the massive bracing bar always gives the hanging chair the right support. You can install it in a suitable place with the help of a hook or rope



  • Hangable, stiffened upper part
  • Strong canvas material and ropes
  • 120 kg load capacity
  • With seat and back cushion
  • Stock
    255 pcs
    Article No.
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